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How does Stebbing Green Day Nursery know if children need extra help and what should parents/carers do if they think their child may have special educational needs or disabilities?

  • We use registration forms and “All about me” forms to gain as much knowledge as we can about the child before attending our setting.

  • With permission from the parents/carers we can liase and share information with other professionals such as Health care specialists/ speech and language therapists/or other settings they may have attended.

  • Every child has their own key person. The role of the key person is to build strong bonds with the child as well as the parents/carers too. 

  • Our setting has its own “FAMLY” app which is useful to communicate daily to our parents/carers, along with parent meetings and feedback at the end of each day.

  • The key person takes detailed observations of the child to track their development. This may show up areas that need some extra support and can be discussed with the Nursery’s SENCO (specific needs co-ordinator). This will be discussed with the parents/carers too so that the child has the best possible support. 

How will the staff at Stebbing Green Day Nursery support my child?

  • Staff at Stebbing Green Day Nursery are trained in many areas including speech and language, positive behaviour and we have a good beginnings Autism friendly award. Only qualified members of staff have key children, they track, and review progress each term. A new set of goals that have been set for each individual child is shared with the parents.

  • The nursery’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is familiar with the SEN Code of Practice, monitors records and ensures they are kept up to date regarding information about your child’s learning and progress. Our SENCO establishes and maintain positive relationships with our parents; informing of any progress, ensuing the nursery staff are familiar with the SEN policy and that it is reviewed annually. 

  • When enrolling at the Nursery, we offer settling in sessions to build up a relationship with the staff and key person.

  • We work in partnership with our parents. Our SENCO and the child’s key person will work alongside our parents to support our children and plan appropriate next steps.

Staff Training and experience in supporting young children with SEND.

  • We have a Makaton trained staff member who shares her knowledge to other staff members where needed.

  • We provide appropriate training where it is needed to the staff, in house training is also encouraged for all staff to attend.

  • Our staff have been trained on Safeguarding, Paediatric First aid and ENCO training. 

  • All staff have access to Educare and the Essex EES CPD website for further courses relevant to the needs of the Nursery.

How will Stebbing Green Day Nursery create learning and development opportunities for individual children with SEND.

  • The SENCO and behaviour management coordinators come and help children who need extra support. Support, strategies and action plans are put into place to help support the child in their area of need.

  • The SENCO supports all children to ensure their next steps are met.

How does Stebbing Green Day Nursery work in partnership with parents?

  • Parents are greeted at the beginning and the end of the day. 

  • Parents will be invited to attend regular meetings to review the child’s progress.

  • There are communication links throughout the day such as FAMLY and a telephone in each room if the parent would like to speak to staff.

  • Every child has their own learning journal that the parents can view at any time. The parents are encouraged to add their views and comments.

  • At the settling in sessions the parent/carers will work with the key person to help settle the child into the nursery. Throughout this session they will complete the ‘All about me form’ to understand the child’s individual routines, needs, interests and abilities.

How Stebbing Green Day Nursery supports the wellbeing of young children with SEND.

  • Staff create a loving, caring environment for all the children so they can feel safe and secure.

  • The key person plays a significant part in settling in the child offering support and a familiar face. 

  • We offer a wide range of activities to cater for the individual child based on their likes/dislikes. These are known through the ‘All about me forms’ when they first join the Nursery and through regular Parent meetings, key person planning and feedback forms that are sent home.

How accessible is the environment we provide at Stebbing Green Day Nursery?

  • If the child has English as an additional language, we will encourage the family to share key words in their home language for the key person to understand with the child.

  • The Manager, key person and SENCO work with the parents to provide the most suitable room for the child to have the best access to all the resources and activities every day to meet their needs.

  • We have an accessible garden for all to use, a wheelchair ramp leading into one of the main buildings and toilets on the ground floor. 

Specialist services and expertise accessed by our setting.

  • We have good links with our area SENCO, who offers us support whenever we may need it. Our behaviour specialist also comes in regularly to give us inhouse training on positive behaviour strategies. 

  • We have regular visits from our Early years advisor to help with all aspects of our Nursery. 

  • We have a range of other agencies to help plan and source the most beneficial support for the individual child such as speech and language, hearing specialists, physio. 

How our setting prepares and supports young children with SEND when joining the setting and when transferring to another setting or school.

  • We have settling in sessions for all our children that join our Nursery.

  • Parents/carers are asked to fill out a registration form which gives us information, such as allergies, likes, dislikes, interests, emergency contact details, etc.

  • We have a good relationship with the local feeder schools and arrange visits to meet with teachers. Information is transferred across to the teachers when they leave to the school.

  • If a child attends more than one setting, developmental records are shared between the two settings.

How Stebbing Green Day Nursery includes young children with SEND in community-based activities and outings.

  • All parents are asked to sign a consent form which explains where the trip is taking place and the details.

  • Trips may include the Nursery’s SENCO and the child’s parents when planning the trip.

  • Thorough risk assessments will be drawn up and carried out prior to the trip. 

  • Medication will be taken along on the trip.

  • Child: Staff ratios are increased for the safety of the children. 

How Stebbing Green Day Nursery organises its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND.

  • We can access resources through our Area SENCO. 

  • Resources are adapted to the individual child and are purchased through budgeting, sometimes an Inclusion grant can be used towards extra resources that may be needed.

How we decide on appropriate support for young children with SEND.

  • Deciding on appropriate support for the individual child is made with the Area SENCO who can help with any referrals that may need to be made.

  • The child will be observed to make sure they are getting the right intervention to support them appropriately.

  • Information shared from health care professionals, who are working with your child will be used to plan support within the setting.

Who to contact for further information? 

  • For the local offer website, you can visit

  • Terri Barnett is the Manager; Leone Parish is the Nursery SENCO of Stebbing Green Day Nursery. 

  • You are welcome to phone or visit the Nursery between the hours of 07:00-18:00.

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